This event was held in Valley View Mall, in La Crosse, WI on January 28th-30th, 2011. Here are few of the best pictures taken from the event. Pictures were taken by Dan Hardy, of Hardy Photography, Richland Center, WI
Sunset Playhouse, Elm Grove, WI
This picture was taken just before our performance at Lil Rev's fund raiser at the Sunset Playhouse in Elm Grove, WI. Unfortunately, not everyone that played the gig can be seen in the picture. From left to right: Paul Dovenberg, Janie Maly, Dawn Anderson, Jack Evans, Lil Rev with his arm around Dee Peterson, Laura Rumpel, Diane Hofer, Katie Rasmussen, Jeri Zagrodnick and Scott Thornsen's right arm. Front and Center: Who else? Our man Jacob Zagrodnick sporting his new Summer Mohawk haircut.
Two Great Uke Players
This is our own Ricki Lemke and the Lil' Rev on June 4th, 2011 in Elm Grove at the Sunset Playhouse. The club played at the Milwaukee Ukulele Club fund raiser. A few of the songs we played can be seen on the performances page.